VRP Elucidated

A favorite, especially in adjective form.
I have this lingering fear that fascinating and clever words are disappearing from our vocabularies. Many of our speech patterns could be best summarized as like, um, whatever and our society seems to dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator. This process is exemplified by rap music, where every third word would appear like **** on this blog, and the main theme of every album is as follows:
I’m the man
Because I talk trash
And pull triggers
And get girls pregnant
I’m the man
The problem with simplistic, repetitive language is that it can only express one type of idea—you know, the simplistic, repetitive kind. Which is cool…if you’re operating a jack hammer or jogging…for the rest of the foreseeable future.
But more complex—and more valuable—ideas deserve more complex language. In fact, they require it. Example: It’s not possible to express the concept of “beauty” (even allowing for different interpretations) using only the words found in the lyrics of a 50 Cent album.
For us to live and die properly, things have to be named properly. Let us reclaim our words. - John Berger
So. Really engaging dialogue and writing must not be allowed to go the way of the dinosaur. And while others are doing their part (WORLD, Credenda Agenda, The Wall Street Journal, great authors…), this ought to be a grassroots effort as well. And to this end I am launching the Vocabulary Reclamation Project (VRP), a movement intent on getting the power of words back into the mouths of the people.
As founder and sole member of the VRP (so far), I will be searching for ways to subversively insert piquant and mesmeric words into my posts. (Ok, so that sentence was overkill.) But if you occasionally see a truly scintillating (or somewhat obscure) word on my blogs, marked by an asterisk, you can breath a sigh of relief, and, if necessary, check the definition. The VRP is on the job.
(Care to join the inner circle?)
Hi there.
I think this project of yours is quite original, as well as LONG overdue.
Since I moved to Canada from South Africa (6 years ago), I have noticed that my formerly vast vocabulary has been degrading, and that I am now writing or talking like a fool on my blogs.
How many participants in the project do you have so far?
Hi there Joe
The VRP has 3-4 semi-official members so far... humble beginnings. :) Besides indulging my somewhat whimsical (stupid?) sense of humor, I hope this "project" will give me an excuse for using occasional "colorful" words, and cause people to think about their language... as you obviously do.
The requirements for membership are pretty lax: use a few fascinating words in your posts, and, if possible, provide a link back to this blog- (http://vocabreclaim.blogspot.com).
I'll check out your blog and see you around.
Oops, I was also going to say, here's an example of a post where the VRP made an appearance: http://bittersweetblue.blogspot.com/2004/08/good-marriage-good-book.html
(There are several more, if you search BitterSweetLife - "vocabulary reclamation.") When I use suitably "useful" words, I try to link back to this page...
Well, as you can see, I have not yet made a full fledged assualt on my verdant vocabulary-base. Thus far, actually, I'm only working on using words to add character and flare to my usually unimaginative sentences.
ha ha, a good place to start
Welcome aboard, Jeremy. The VRP is a loose affiliation at this point. :) Try and link back to this page now and then, if you're able; here's an example. I'll have to give gurunet a once over, it sounds like a great idea.
i easily relate to what has be said,
even the words are disappearing into sounds and now those emoticons? we are such a degenrating race?
interesting project, indeed. I've read too many freshman comp papers to disagree with the essential need for increased vocabulary.
I found your project from your other blog...the bittersweet, which is nicely done, by the way. Looking forward to discovering your book on the shelf...unless it's already out there?
Nope, no published work yet (except on Relevant.com) and a few literary mags). But I'm duly flattered and will continue in my quest for author-dom. :)
Even if I'm not official yet, I'll start doing this. Do you mind? Maybe I'll even post more than once every three weeks!
blue highways, you bring up a valid point.
One of the greatest pitfalls for aspiring VRP grads is the use of their new verbal firepower. Seamless integration into everyday conversation is, of course, the goal. Unfortunately, this rarely happens without a kind of awkward learning period. (It's easier in writing.)
During this learning period, ugly (pretentious) things can happen if BIG WORDS replace functional conversation as the priority.
Some people try to ease the transition by "targeting" certain groups in which to test their new vocabularies. This can have its own painful side effects... All I can say is preceed with circumspection that could conceivably be considered extraneous in most other situations. ;)
I'm an 18 year old male senior in high school. I could go on for hours about this subject. Language is an art. It should be taught as so in schools. Reading this today has given me hope that this world is not doomed to a very low grade of intelligence in the futre. I don't always receive good grades in school, but i believe i can speak rather well and use my emotions in my words. Thank you for giving me this hope of a better future...
I'm guilty of vocabulary stupidity, so I have nothing intellectual to add to this conversation. I'll be following it though. Very interesting!
C'mon, no one who comments on the VRP can be guilty of vocab stupidity. The fact that you found this blog speaks volumes. :)
And yes, the VRP is still in action!
I am told I speak well, clearly and with intelligence. I actually speak normally. It is simply unfortunate that so many have relegated themselves to the mundane conversations commonly found in the melting pot of their local Starbucks.....
This is a magnanimous task - to say the least. But to all - please don't sacrifice the use of a "big word" for the lack of proper grammer and punctuation. It creates a literal oxymoron.
I used to post a 'word of the week' on my door at work. The net should be more effective at disseminating vocabulary - keep it up!
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