Words and Color
More buttons. You pick 'em.
Remember to link back!
Help for non-techies
The code you insert in your template should look like this (below). If you want one of the custom buttons above, you'll have to replace the highlighted text with the button data of your choice. If you cut and paste the code without changing it, it will look like this:

Here's the editable code:
<a href="http://vocabreclaim.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/63/438/320/VRP%20Banner%20E5.gif" alt="Vocabulary Reclamation Project" /></a>
To use a different button, right-click on your favorite, select "copy image location," and use the "paste" function to replace the highlighted text. Once you've tailored the code, insert it in your template somewhere between the <body> tags. Most likely you'll want to place it in the <sidebar> section. Clicking "preview" at this point would be a good idea...
To adjust the spacing of your button, you may need to add "returns" (code = <br> ) above or below it. To do so is easy:
xxxxxxxx your code xxxxxxxx
Good luck.
P.S. If this is baffling you, as it would have baffled me earlier in my blogging career, go ahead and email me (see sidebar). I'll fix up some code for you.
Remember to link back!
Help for non-techies
The code you insert in your template should look like this (below). If you want one of the custom buttons above, you'll have to replace the highlighted text with the button data of your choice. If you cut and paste the code without changing it, it will look like this:

Here's the editable code:
<a href="http://vocabreclaim.blogspot.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/63/438/320/VRP%20Banner%20E5.gif" alt="Vocabulary Reclamation Project" /></a>
To use a different button, right-click on your favorite, select "copy image location," and use the "paste" function to replace the highlighted text. Once you've tailored the code, insert it in your template somewhere between the <body> tags. Most likely you'll want to place it in the <sidebar> section. Clicking "preview" at this point would be a good idea...
To adjust the spacing of your button, you may need to add "returns" (code = <br> ) above or below it. To do so is easy:
xxxxxxxx your code xxxxxxxx
Good luck.
P.S. If this is baffling you, as it would have baffled me earlier in my blogging career, go ahead and email me (see sidebar). I'll fix up some code for you.
Help! I need some help on the code. MY days of non-bloggerness have helped me lose my adeptness with HTML code.
Help is on the way...
I'll be sending you an email, and adding a quick non-techie "how to" note shortly.
Oooo! Love the (br) code hint. I have been thinking of cleaning up my buttons and gadgets and wasn't sure how to line them up neatly. Thanks.
Consider your site linked to mine!
Thanks for the humor you provide - the chuckle I get when I pop in each time is well appreciated.
I tried to do what you said, but I was completely flabbergasted. Now I have a little "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/63/438/1600/VRP%20Banner%20B2.gif" across the bottom of my blog. That's really what it says! Help!!
The exact thing that happened to Lydia happened to me. I'd love to be a part, but it isn't showin' me the love.
Deeapaulitan, I adjusted the code above so it's simpler to use. Give it another try, and if it still won't work for you, why don't you send me a note. I'll be glad to email you the code for your favorite button.
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